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You can help student Veterans by taking the SVA Census survey

The SVA Census is an annual survey that collects data on student Veterans, alumni, and other military-connected students. Student Veterans of America (SVA) uses this anonymous information in discussions with policy makers, partners, and the public.

2021-10-12T18:00:15+00:00October 12, 2021|#VetResources, Guest Posts, Vets Experience|0 Comments

Afghanistan Response: The power of community

Across the nation, people are helping to support the resettlement of Afghanistan refugees and allies by sharing information on how to help, opening their homes, donating goods and services, and bringing greater awareness and advocacy for Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs).

2021-10-05T20:00:22+00:00October 5, 2021|#VetResources, Guest Posts|4 Comments
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